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How to Cook Yummy California Farm Whole Chicken Thigh Stir Fry

California Farm Whole Chicken Thigh Stir Fry.

California Farm Whole Chicken Thigh Stir Fry You can cook California Farm Whole Chicken Thigh Stir Fry using 15 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of California Farm Whole Chicken Thigh Stir Fry

  1. It's Pound of .
  2. You need of .
  3. Prepare of .
  4. Prepare Cup of .
  5. Prepare 3 tsp of .
  6. It's of .
  7. It's 4 cloves of .
  8. You need Cup of .
  9. It's Cup of .
  10. It's Cup of .
  11. It's Cup of .
  12. You need 2 of .
  13. You need 1/2 cup of .
  14. Prepare of .
  15. It's of .

California Farm Whole Chicken Thigh Stir Fry instructions

  1. Use bones, skin and chicken fat from thighs, boil an hour in two cups of water till half the broth has evaporated. At the same time, bring 1/2 cup rice to a boil in cup of water, pinch of turmeric, pinch of salt, turn off. Let sit covered one hour..
  2. Slice chicken thighs in snow pea size length and thickness, sautee in wok in a few drops of sesame oil with 2 crushed garlic cloves and chopped small hot red pepper till white on all sides, and slightly caramelized. Set aside..
  3. Stirfry veggies in order of hardness: ginger slices first one minute, then 2 crushed garlic cloves one minute, then carrots one minute, then add bok choy one minute, then red onion one minute, then asparagus one minute, then cucumber strips one minute, then chicken strips, till all is stirfried in under ten minutes..
  4. Dissolve 3 tsp cornstarch in tbs cold water, stir into boiling chicken broth till thick, remove ginger slices from stirfry, pour sauce over veggies and chicken, bring to boil, taste, add fish sauce drops if preferred, serve over rice. Enjoy..

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