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How to Cook Tasty Easy Chicken Fried Rice

Easy Chicken Fried Rice.

Easy Chicken Fried Rice You can cook Easy Chicken Fried Rice using 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Easy Chicken Fried Rice

  1. It's 4-6 of .
  2. You need 2 cups of .
  3. It's 3 cups of .
  4. You need 1/4 cup of .
  5. Prepare 3 tbsp of .
  6. Prepare 2 tbsp of .
  7. Prepare 1 handful of .
  8. Prepare 1 tbsp of .
  9. Prepare of .
  10. It's of .

Easy Chicken Fried Rice step by step

  1. Start by cooking your chicken in a large frying pan or wok, I used a frying pan. You will use the same pan to cook everything else after. Season chicken with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Add some olive oil to the pan and cook for about 5 minutes on each side over med-high heat or until light brown and crisped. I add the chicken while the pan is still warming up to let the fat render out correctly. Remove chicken and allow 5 minutes to rest before cutting into small pieces..
  2. Leaving half of the rendered chicken fat in the pan, add your rice. mix the rice into the fat and then allow to cook untouched for 2 minutes on med-high heat before stirring again to begin to brown the rice. This is a good time to mince your onion, dice your chicken and get your mixed vegetables and eggs ready. I like to microwave the mixed vegetables for about 2-3 minutes before adding to the pan to reduce the amount of water they will release..
  3. Mix your rice and then push all the rice to the edge creating an empty circle in the middle of the pan. Crack your eggs and add them to the middle of the pan and start scrambling them immediately. scramble the eggs for about 30 seconds before fully mixing into the rice..
  4. Add your diced chicken, minced onion and vegetables to the pan. I prefer to leave the onions raw and let them cook in the mixture rather than cooking them before. This will allow the onions to keep a somewhat crunchy texture..
  5. Drizzle some olive oil over the rice, add your soy sauce and lower the heat to medium. Allow to cook for about 8 minutes stirring often but not continuously..
  6. Turn off the heat and serve. Add some scallions and sesame seeds for some extra flavor and garnish. I also like to add some crushed red pepper at this point to give it some spice. Enjoy!.

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